Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dog Beds Canada I Know It Is Safe To Use Apple Cider Vinegar In A Dog Bath, But What About Other Vinegars?

I know it is safe to use apple cider vinegar in a dog bath, but what about other vinegars? - dog beds canada

It seems they have all the vinegar, apple juice, but! Is it safe to use balsamic vinegar, rice wine or white vinegar in a rinse shampoo for my dog? Please reply as soon as possible, as I give my Dogger PetSpaw one days, and I will not wait!

Canada Dog Girl

PS. Yes, it may sound trite and Paris Hilton-ish give to my dog PetSpaw one days, but she loves it! I give him treats and attention, herbal baths, green tea, brush, massage, and I clean the eyes, ears and teeth. Then cuddle up in my bed and read it:) Oh, and while I take a bath, I have the clothes in the dryer to keep warm and soft for my poocherooni! I love my dog! :)


Elena said...

White vinegar or rice wine would be safe.

Show Breeders sell awesome pups. said...

While the vinegar is fine.

Jamie said...

I do not want with balsamic vinegar.

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