Sunday, January 17, 2010

Wrecked Aircraft For Sale In Texas What Exactly Did Amelia Earhart Do That Was So Impressive?

What exactly did Amelia Earhart do that was so impressive? - wrecked aircraft for sale in texas

They seem to get much credit for how much. She married a millionaire, who build them as an accessory to the public relations efforts. She has never really flown 'solo' everywhere. It was always a man on board, including the last flight with your browser. It has destroyed more aircraft than any other driver of his time. Why are so poorly represented in the story, or am I missing something?


Snoochie... said...

1897-1937, American aviator, B. Atchison, Kansas. It was the first woman to cross the Atlantic by airplane (1928) and the first woman, a solo flight across the Atlantic (1932). It was the first person to fly solo from Honolulu to California (1935). In 1937, he tried a co-pilot, Frederick J. Noonan, to fly around the world, but lost his plane on the flight from New Guinea and Howland Iceland. In 1992 a research team said that they (the wreckage of Earhart on Nikumaroro formerly Gardner) Iceland, Kiribati, but their requests were from people who worked on Earhart plane and his fate remains a mystery contest. In 1964, Geraldine Mock was the first woman to conduct an Earhart-the-road world. Earhart was married to GP Putnam (1887-1950) in 1931.

House of Edwin said...

She was lost, and no one was able to find or by plane.

FireBug said...

His disappearance was a mystery and everyone loves a mystery. See Marilyn Monroe and The Black Dahlia, full of mysteries both.

karrahbi... said...

It was the first woman to fly an airplane in the world.

gimpalom... said...

FAQ I like. When Amelia was a man who does not know the names of all were. Perhaps a sombre note, somewhere, absolutely no visibility.

It would be interesting to large scale surveys of Americans have. I want to examine the visibility of Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart.

13th Floor said...

It must be seen in the context of historical time. Of course, in today's world would not be impressive, but at the time it was stolen as a brave and risky for a man --- The man who almost unheard of! So yes, I think he deserves a place in history (even if a man sitting next to or behind).

ec1177 said...

No Your not missing anything. In fact, I think you're very smart. Amelia Earhart is a powerful and very rich. That's all

Bob G said...

His "facts" (Rant) is false, not take them several solo flights (the first woman ...)

However, I agree it would only be a footnote in the history of aviation, if not for the mystery surrounding his disappearance. "You just lost without falling fuel and? Was forced to land on the Japanese captured and executed?

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