Monday, February 15, 2010

How To Prepare Salame Dishes I Bought Some Asparagus And I'm Not Sure How To Prepare It?

I bought some asparagus and I'm not sure how to prepare it? - how to prepare salame dishes

I have a steamer, but I'm not sure how to use it (a sort of metal basket arrangement. He said that most of the pans fit).

Is it necessary to cut asparagus or something? Besides, what should I do with the season?

Thank you!


loulou said...

I think that either boiled or steamed asparagus is the best way (instead of water vapor in the bottom of a pot, the metal vapor at the top, then a lid)
To prepare the asparagus and earn double and single mother is in a position, his best place to eat, you throw it to the end point and steamers.
| Cooking for about 3 minutes, depending on how you like vegetables.

I like my asparagus with Parma cheese and salt.

Annette B said...

I grew asparagus for years and it is impressive, whatever way, but here is a simple, fast and delicious to make. Easy to wash and trim the root end of the spears. Heat a tablespoon or so of olive oil in a saucepan and add one or two cloves garlic, chives. Add asparagus and sauté until soft not burn! We also receive revenue from Google and just type "asparagus" and will probably have more ideas than you about what to do with .......

bluerose... said...

I'm not a fan of breaking extremes to lose. Unless they are very woody cut about 1 / 2 inch to inch lower (if) with bag. I love asparagus (by urinating on the side) for steam for a few minutes in the microwave with a little water and sprinkle with some salt. Try again in a pure form and see if you think you need something else.

Jo W said...

I put the same boat
Only the asparagus, when it breaks is the best, not cut
Steam with a spear top and bottom ends of the final break
10 minutes of steam. bring water to a boil, then add the asparagus, cover and 10 min. Check the final break ... In fact, we eat without additives is so good, that it is .... Taste, or you can use a butter, garlic sauce and pour over when you're done

bootlegg said...

Its interface is easy to combine the asparagus and asparagus bottoms.Slice just hard to break in the middle of rinsing in a corner. Boil water and add asparagus. Reduce heat and simmer for 2 ½ minutes. Remove the asparagus and put water into the bowl with olive oil, salt and pepper and lemon zest and agitator around.This is the best way I've had, in addition to roasted asparagus.

Caroline N said...

Asparagus is heavily wooded, so you must be rid of them. You can cut, or what I can do all snap in half. When we say that you break a pencil breaks more often at the point right. You can steam and then a pile of melted butter and salt. YUM.

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