Friday, February 19, 2010

What Is Blemishes On Face Mean On Skincare & Products: What's The Diff Between The Skin On The Face And The Skin On The Rest Of The Body?

On skincare & products: What's the diff between the skin on the face and the skin on the rest of the body? - what is blemishes on face mean

I mean, the rest of my body has no blackheads or pimples. It is baby soft and smooth. And I use only natural antibacterial soap, as a backup. I have rarely made lotion. But with my face, I never use soap called, always, gentle cleaning. I sound, humidity, rarely go in the sun, but my face has all these black spots, red spots, a couple of buttons, scars, spots, pimples, blackheads (the images that you can not see, but if you look in my skin very closely, for shame!) I am tempted to the same products and maintenance (using technology that is virtually maintenance free below) when I was in my body, my face. What exactly is between the body and the skin of the face?


kelly e said...

Our face is 100% in everything that makes us exposed to our environment - and is not covered with a coat or a shirt - or trousers.
It is much more sensative. It also has more sebaceous glands protect us, but they also create things like acne.

What never to his "regime change" in your face must be something you consisitent and AM / PM - or, if you are 35 results, you can suddenly shout it!

Be very careful not to mineral oil based anything on your skin / face, and used it's cheap and cooperation. Use this reason. It tightens the skin, not soft.

Looks like you need a really good wash, toner and cream
there medication for acne.
A facial mask, scrub and twice a week to work on the wrong cells in your face.

CharLene said...

Our face is completely different sensitive than the rest of the body ... So, for the face you need to buy products for the face .....

nadi_scr said...

The facial skin is less efficient than the skin of the body and less patogen. You must be very careful not to use too much liquid soap on the skin because they are made, the body and cause pre-mature aging skin if used on the skin. Same washesh face when she is in your body does not help because they are not strong enough for the body skin

Snickers said...

The facial skin is on average 5 times thinner than the skin on the rest of his body. For women, has very little hair and skin of the face produces a large quantity of oil to protect. These oils, unfortunately, but also dirt and bacteria on the face of environmental and hands cause acne and other imperfections. You should be a scrub twice a week, should help.

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